Information initiative of the National Bank in cooperation with the Austrian Zivil Protection Association ÖZSV

As well as sufficient food supplies, a well-stocked home pharmacy, and classic safety devices such as a smoke alarm, a supply of cash is also an essential pillar of support for a crisis-proof household.

Last week, the National Bank therefore launched the “Cash for all eventualities” initiative, which aims to sensitise people in Austria to the need to keep small amounts of cash at home as a precaution against crises. The Austrian National Bank OeNB recommends keeping an amount of EUR 100 per family member in small denominations in a safe place.

The “Cash for all eventualities” initiative now launched by the OeNB is intended to familiarise people in Austria with the recommendations of the Austrian Civil Protection Association on being prepared for crises. One of their recommendations relates to the necessity of keeping a small amount of cash at home.
As part of the OeNB’s information initiative, ready-prepared envelopes with “Bargeld für alle Fälle” [“Cash for all eventualities”] printed on them are to be displayed in each of the approximately 380 branches of Österreichische Post AG for people to take home with them free of charge, mainly in the self-service area or inside the post offices. The envelopes are also available at the counters in OeNB branches in Vienna and Innsbruck. Useful tips from the Austrian Civil Protection Association are printed on the back of the pre-prepared envelopes, as well as information on how to recognise a possible blackout in an emergency.

But why is cash so important in a crisis? “Cash is the only means of payment that works every time and everywhere. You do not need any technical aids to pay with cash. But for this it is of course advisable to have a certain stock of cash available. In the event of a crisis – a blackout, for example, or a large-scale hacker attack – it may well be too late and also difficult to get hold of cash”, explains Bank Director Schock.

Picture: ÖZSV
Report: OeENB / ÖZSV